Welcome to St. Oswald's Church
Serving the Parish of Collingham with Harewood
It’s great that you have found us on-line and we hope that the information you find here will help you with your enquiry, give you the answers you may be looking for, or point you in the right direction.
Even better, we would love to welcome you in person – why not come along and see what’s happening?
Want to know more…
Rev'd Carolyn James, Vicar

Events & Notices

Quiz Night Back Again
Fundraising and Community Social
Saturday 10th May, 7pm to 10pm
Memorial Hall, Collingham
Fun for all! Bring your own team (8 max) or join one on the night! There will also be a raffle
Pie (East Keswick Butchers), Peas and Jacket Potato Supper, Dessert, Wine/Beer/Soft drinks
£15 per ticket. Card Payments Accepted
Tickets in advance from:
Amy Lowe - 07791 654948
Tim Wood –01937579805 - st.oswalds.churchwarden@gmail.com
Booking Essential
Diary Dates To Save:
More Information to come soon.
For now though, save the date 28th June
Bridge Afternoon
Wednesday 15th October
1:30pm in the Memorial Hall
St Oswald's Community Show
Scheduled for 28th June 2025
We are a welcoming, inclusive church - we'd love for you to join us!

For Children
Sunday Club, for children aged 7-11, meets on the THIRD Sunday in the month.
'Teddy Praise for pre-schoolers and their family/carers meets on the first Friday in the month (10-11.30am).
Both groups meet in the Collingham Methodist Church Hall.
Junior Choir practice weekly during term time & sing at All-Age Services on the FOURTH Sunday.
From the Vicarage
Find us
You can't miss us as you drive on the A58 through Collingham village!